
Project Entitlement

CSLS has worked with builders, developers, landowners, and school districts to successfully entitle their development projects. CSLS’ entitlement success is based on public sector planning experience; exceptional knowledge of environmental issues that tend to either drive or challenge entitlement projects; ability to translate complex technical development concepts for the layperson as part of community outreach efforts; and the ability to create an entitlement strategy, troubleshoot issues, develop solutions, and lead the team to the finish line.

Representative Projects:

Representative Projects:


CSLS has extensive experience managing and preparing numerous CEQA (California Environmental Quality Act) and NEPA (National Environmental Policy Act) documents. While on the team for the on-call environmental consultant to the San Bernardino Associated Governments (SANBAG), now known as San Bernardino County Transportation Authority (SBCTA), Carlson led the delivery of numerous large environmental documents.  Carlson has also prepared and managed numerous CEQA and NEPA documents for development and civic projects.

Regulatory Permitting

CSLS prepares applications and processes regulatory permits through the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Section 404), California Department of Fish and Wildlife (Section 1602), Regional Water Quality Control Board (Section 401), and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service(Section 7). In addition to obtaining regulatory permits, CSLS prepares mitigation/restoration plans including Long-Term Management Plans, Habitat Mitigation and Monitoring Plans, and performs biological monitoring of mitigation/restoration sites. 

Representative Projects:

Representative Projects:

Biological Assessments

CSLS has a trained biologist on staff and provides a wide range of biological services including vegetation mapping, nesting bird surveys, Protocol Burrowing Owl surveys, focus protocol surveys for special status species, construction monitoring, MSHCP/DBESP consistency analysis, and Biological Technical reports for inclusion within environmental documents.